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The law governs our life from cradle to grave and even beyond the grave. So it's natural that at some stage of our lives we will encounter the law, for good or for bad.


It's critical you have a good lawyer and a caring lawyer representing you at that critical stage of your life.


A lawyer you can trust. A lawyer who provides personal care. A lawyer who gives you the attention you need. I believe I am such a lawyer. 


I take the often quoted mantra ‘acting in the client’s best interest’ very seriously.  So, when you come to us at Dodwell & Co LLC, we will leave no stones unturned in providing our clients with the best legal representation. 



Alfred Dodwell,

Managing Director


Alfred obtained his LL.B (Hons) from University of Warwick, United Kingdom. He completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Singapore Law from National University of Singapore. To further his interest in religious studies, he also pursued a Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Studies, Regent Theological College, Vancouver, Canada. Aside from his legal practice, he also has experience in social work and counselling in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


​Alfred is the Managing Director of Dodwell & Co LLC. He has been in legal practice since 1996, and is a senior member of the bar.


He trained at Allen & Gledhill under 2 esteemed Senior Counsels. He started practice under an ex-Judicial Commissioner and Senior Counsel in the esteemed firm of Tan Rajah & Cheah. He then practised in Drew & Napier LLC  before carving out his own niche boutique litigation practice at Dodwell & Co LLC.


​Alfred brings 23 years of litigation experience. He personally oversees all matters in the firm to ensure that every client is provided with client care and astute strategic planning in each case.



Alfred has an active litigation practice. He conducts Civil litigation, Matrimonial & Family related disputed and Criminal matters at all levels at the Courts in Singapore.


He is reputed  for his razor sharp cross examination skills and being a fearsome litigator. The substantive areas of law and disputes of his practice includes commercial, contract, tort, probate, trusts, construction, corporate disputes & shareholder disputes, public law and criminal law.


He also has an active family & matrimonial practice.  


Since 1996, Alfred has conducted a wide variety of cases in civil litigation, criminal litigation and cases involving matrimonial disputes.  


Alfred is a much sought after family & matrimonial lawyer. He is known for his strategic planning for divorce and ancillaries involving millions of dollars in assets across various countries. This includes working with forensic accountants in discovery of hidden assets to ensure a just and fair distribution from the matrimonial pool as well as maintenance achieved for each client.


He was one of the lawyers in the team representing Asia Pulp and Paper and was involved in claims on its plant. Alfred had represented a wide variety of clients in claims in the securities industry, multi-million dollar divorces and ancillaries dispute, international sale of goods, breach of directors’ duties, employment cases, complex Japanese probate matter, contentious probate trials, defamation, commercial litigation involving fraudulent bills of lading, breach of franchise agreements.


He also successfully acted for Innoform Entertainment and pursued action against all KTV’s in Singapore that acted in breach of licensing use of all music on its systems including successful hearing at the copyright tribunal.


He has also conducted Search Orders and successfully filed for injunctions and discovery of hidden documents and assets. 


Reported cases on a variety of legal issues in the course of his 23 years of legal practice includes:



Civil Litigation 


  • Yap Boon Phye v Grand Orient Securities Pte Ltd  [1998] SGHC 325 – a securities dispute involving share transactions and margin call

  • Choon Hin Stainless Steel Pte Ltd v Siew Kong Glass Makers Pte Ltd [2005] SGDC 234 – sale of good and services of special glass for cruise ships

  • Go Go Delicacy Pte Ltd v. Carona Holdings Pte Ltd & Ors [2007] SGHC 97 (High Court, Assistant Registrar) - Arbitration clause and issue of non-parties to arbitration clause and failure to file Defence resulting in successful default judgement 

  • Go Go Delicacy Pte Ltd v. Carona Holdings Pte Ltd & Ors [2008] 1 SLR (R) 161 (High Court, High Court Judge) - Arbitration clause and issue of non-parties to arbitration clause and failure to file Defence resulting in successful default judgement 

  • Carona Holdings Pte Ltd & Ors v. Go Go Delicacy Pte Ltd [2008] 4 SLR(R) 460 (Court of Appeal) - Arbitration clause and issue of non-parties to arbitration clause and failure to file Defence resulting in successful default judgement 

  • Toni James and Others v The Arena Entertainment Pte Ltd [2008] SGDC 247 – contractual dispute over ambit of musicians and artiste duties owed to its employer

  • Ong Wui Teck v Ong Wui Jin and Others [2008] SGDC 103 (District Court Trial) – contested will

  • Ong Wui Jin and Others v Ong Wui Teck [2008] SGHC 72  (High Court appeal before Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong) – contested will

  • Ng Guat Hua v Onestoneinvest Pte Ltd and Others [2008] SGHC 156 - restitution and mistake of fact 

  • Lim Chin San Contractors Pte Ltd v Shiok Kim Seng trading as Iko Precision Toolings [2009] SGDC 169 - injunction 

  • Falmac Ltd v. Cheng Ji Lai Charlie & Ors [2014] 4 SLR 202 (Court of Appeal) - breach of directors fiduciary issues and extension of time to file an appeal

  • Goh Eileen nee Chia & Another v. Goh Mei Ling Yvonne & Another [2014] SGHC 3 (High Court) - successfully defend an action on revocation of gifts

  • Goh Eileen nee Chia & Another v. Goh Mei Ling Yvonne & Another [2014] SGHC 3 (High Court) - successful order for costs to be paid by non-parties to the action

  • Suhaidah bte Mohd Noor and another (trustees and executors of the estate of Haji Hassan bin Haji Ismail, deceased) v Syed Ahmad Jamal Alsagoff [2014] SGHC 116 (High Court) - Originating Process, Trust, Trustee rights and Trustee Duties

  • Yeo Sing San v Sanmugam Murali and another [2016] SGHC 14 (High Court) - Section 216A Companies Act (Cap. 50) application, minority oppression.  



Family & Matrimonial Litigation 


  • ALN v ALQ [2010] SGDC 353 - ancillaries - division of assets, maintenance for wife 

  • APO v APP [2011] SGDC 96 (Family Justice Court)  - cross border child abduction dispute 

  • Maheswari d/o Rajagam v Sathasivan Thiruthani Vel [2014] SGDC 478 - ancillaries proceedings 

  • TMU v TMV[2016] SGFC 44 -  ancillaries - custody of children, division of business assets, adverse inference 

  • TDM v TDN[2015] SGFC 77 - ancillaries - division of assets 

  • UKT v UKU [2018] SGFC 30 - ancillaries - division of assets 

  • UPO v UPP [2018] SGFC 93 -  Personal Protection Order 

  • USZ v UTA [2019] SGFC 23 - ancillaries order - setting aside judgement and order made in absence of one party

  • TWM v TWN [2019] SGFC 117 -  law firm to be enjoined from further acting for their client

  • TWM v TWN [2019] SGFC 129 -  appointment of child psychiatrist application 

  • VDJ v VDK [2019] SGFC 141 - ancillaries - matrimonial assets and maintenance of children 

  • UZM v UZN [2019] SGHCF 26 - ancillaries - matrimonial assets - division including inheritance property and adverse inference  



Criminal Litigation


  • PP v Ng Chye Huay & Another [2005] SGMC 13 (Magistrate Court) - Public Order offence 

  • Ng Chye Huay & Another v PP [2006] 1 SLR(R) 157 (High Court, before Chief Justice Yong Pung How) -  Public Order Offence Appeal

  • Xia Hong v Oon Guan Hoo [2007] SGDC 261 - private magistrates complaint against harassment 

  • PP v Ali Hossain Late Abdul Hakim [2008] SGDC 380 - outrage of modesty

  • PP v Mohammad Faizal Bin Rahim [2011] SGDC 145 (District Court)  - Traffic Offence

  • PP v Poh Teck Khoon [2012] SGDC 17 - Misuse of Drugs, Spike Drink offence 

  • Mohammad Faizal Bin Rahim v PP [2012] 1 SLR 116 (High Court) - Appeal in the High Court of sentence in Traffic Offence 

  • PP v Ng Wan Fu Ivan [2012] SGDC 366 - Prevention of Corruption matter in exchange for sexual gratification 

  • PP v Lee Han Fong Lyon [2013] SGDC 437 (District Court) - drug consumption offender place on probation 

  • PP v Lee Han Fong Lyon [2014] SGHC 89 (High Court) - prosecution's appeal dismissed on drug consumption offender placed on probation

  • PP v Amos Yee Pang Sang [2015] SGDC 215 - Obscene material circulated & offence to deliberately intend to wound religious feelings

  • PP v Yeo Fang Yi [2015] SGMC 9 - giving false information to a public servant 

  • Kho Jabing v Attorney-General [2016] 3 SLR 1273 (5-Judge Bench of the Court of Appeal) - Stay of death penalty execution 

  • PP v Tang Koon Huat [2017] SGDC 221 - incitement to violence 

  • PP v Qu Kim Li [2018] SGMC 33 - outrage of modesty

  • PP v Su Fengxian [2018] SGDC 40 - corruption at the Singapore Table Tennis Association 





  • Member,  The Law Society of Singapore

  • Member,  The Singapore Academy of Law

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